Radenka Maric
Vice President for Research
University of Connecticut
Vice President for Research
Chemical, and Biomolecular Engineering Department
Materials Science and Engineering Department
University of Connecticut (UConn)
191 Auditorium Road, Unit 3222, Storrs, CT 06269-3222
Phone: (860) 486-3621; Fax: (860) 486-8378; E-mail: Radenka.maric@uconn.edu
a. Professional Preparation
University of Belgrade Belgrade, Serbia Chemical Technology B.S. 1989
School of Engineering, Kyoto University Kyoto, Japan Materials Science and Energy M.S. 1993
School of Engineering, Kyoto University Kyoto, Japan Materials Science and Energy Ph.D. 1996
Lean Sensei International Vancouver, BC Executive Leadership Certification, Lean Manufacturing 2007
North Carolina Center for Leadership Development Charlotte, NC Executive Leadership Certification 2008
b. Appointments
7/2017 – Present
08/2010 – Present Vice President for Research, UConn/UConn Health
Connecticut Clean Energy Fund Professor in Sustainable Energy
Professor, University of Connecticut, Department of Material Science and
Engineering and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department
01/2008 – 08/2010 Adjunct Professor, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
12/2004 – 08/2010 Group Leader and Program Manager, National Research Council Canada
Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation
03/2001 – 12/2004 Program Manager, nGimat, Atlanta, GA
04/1996 – 02/2001 Senior Scientist and Team Leader, Japan Fine Ceramics Center (JFCCC),
Nagoya, Japan
04/1995 – 08/1996 Research Scientist, New Energy Development Organization, Kyoto, Japan
c. Products (out of 150 peer-reviewed publications)
(i) Five products most closely related to the proposed project
1. H, Yu, A. Baricci, A. Casalegno, L. Guetaz, L., R. Maric, The influence of carbon support and platinum particle size on the degradation of cathode for low platinum-loading catalyst layer, ECS Transactions, 72, 41-55 (2016).
2. H. Yu, A., Baricci, J. Roller, Y. Wang, A. Casalegno,W. Mustain, Maric, R., Ultra-low Pt loading catalyst layers for PEMFC using reactive spray deposition technology. ECS Transactions, 69, 487-496 (2016).
3. K.Ayers. T. Myles, S. Kim, R. Maric and W.E. Mustain, Application of a Coated Film Catalyst Layer Model to a High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell with Low Catalyst Loading Produced by Reactive Spray Deposition Technology, Catalysts, 5, 1673-1691 (2015).
4. H. Yu, J.M. Roller, W.E. Mustain, and R. Maric, Influence of ionomer/carbon ratio for low-Pt loading catalyst layer prepared by flame-based reactive spray deposition technology, Journal of Power Sources, 283, 84-94 (2015).
5. Yu, H., Roller, J. M., Kim, S., Wang, Y., Kwak, D., & Maric, R., “One-step deposition of catalyst layers for high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC)”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 161 (5), F622-F627 (2014).
(ii) Five other significant products
1. Roller, J. M., Yu, H., Vukmirovic, M., Bliznakov, S., Kotula, P. G., Carter, C. B., Adzic, R., & Maric, R.,.“Flame-based synthesis of core-shell structures using Pd-Ru and Pd cores”, Electrochimica Acta, 138, 341-352 (2014).
2. Roller, J. M., Renner, J., Yu, H., Capuano, C., Kwak, T., Wang, Y., Carter, C. B., Ayers, K., & Maric, R., “Flame-based processing as a practical approach for manufacturing hydrogen evolution electrodes”, Journal of Power Sources, 475, 461-468 (2014).
3. H. F. Garces, J. Roller, C. K. King’ondu, S. Dharmarathna, R. A. Ristau, R. Jain, R. Maric, S. L. Suib, “Formation of Platinum (Pt) Nanocluster Coatings on K-OMS-2 Manganese Oxide Membranes by Reactive Spray Deposition Technique (RSDT) for Extended Stability during CO Oxidation, Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science, Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science 4 (1), 23-35 (2014).
4. J. Roller, M. Arellano-Jim´enez, R. Jain, H. Yu, B. Varrter, R. Maric, “Oxygen Evolution during Water Electrolysis from Thin Films Using Bimetallic Oxides of Ir-Pt and Ir-Ru”, J. Electrochem. Soc. 160 (6) F716-F730 (2013).
5. R. Maric and J. Roller, “Method and apparatus for making catalyst film”, PCT\US2013\040533.
d. Synergetic Activities
1. Invited speaker at more than 60 conferences, university and industrial seminars and Editorial Board of Journal of Nanotechnology and Smart Materials (JNSM).
2. Assessor/panelist of the research proposals for New Energy Development Organization (NEDO) Japan, and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Department of Energy (DOE) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center’s (ERDC) FY12, and National Science Foundation (NSF).
3. Regular reviewer for the Solid State Ionics, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Journal of Power Sources, Journal of Material Science (reviewed over 100 papers).
4. Member of the organizing committee of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell conference (’07,’09,’11) and American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) (’10, ’11).
5. Visiting Professor, Tokyo University, invited speaker at universities and industry, (’12, ’13).